Thursday, April 16, 2009

Instructions - Read First Before Using the Bonus Box Bot

Dark Orbit Bonus Box Instructions [ MMO - EIC - VRU ]

This bot will automatically navigate your ship through the Dark Orbit space map searching for bonus boxes. Only use the file that matches your company [ MMO - EIC - VRU ]. This will only work with the Mozilla Firefox 3.0 browser. If you do not have it, download it! Make sure you have signed up for a free Dark Orbit account. If you have not, you can sign up here:

***Step By Step***
- Login to your Dark Orbit account
- It is recommended that you purchase a "cloaking device" from the "Hangar" section
- Open the Space Map Window by pressing "Start"(make sure the "Navigation Toolbar" is active)
- When the Space Map Window has loaded press "Start"
- Minimize the chat window
- Press the "Set" button in the upper part of the Space Map Window
- Make sure the below items are UNCHECKED
* Show explosions
* Show resources
* Show cargo boxes which are not free
- Click Save in the "Set" window
- If there are special events (such as "Space Ball") move the window by the minimized chat window (no need to worry about this step most of the time)
- Goto the section that matches your company
* MMO - 1-1
* EIC - 2-1
* VRU - 3-2
- Before you start the bot, goto this location in the section
* MMO - Base
* EIC - Base
* VRU - Upper Left Portal
- Open the bot
- Make sure the Space Map Window is in the foreground
- The bot should move the Space Map Window exactly to the top left corner of your screen (if it does not close the hangar window, leave the space map window open, close the bot and try again)
- Press the "Start" button in the Dark Orbit Bonus Box Bot
- Everything should be working
- If you want to stop the bot, click the "Close" button in the Dark Orbit Bonus Box Bot

When you are ready to run the bot, your screen should look something like this:

***Other Stuff***
The Dark Orbit Bonus Box Bot does not pick up every bonus box, but it does pick up most of them. This bot should be run while you are not using your computer. This bot moves your mouse cursor frequently, thus making it extremely difficult to use your computer while this bot is running. It is best to run it over night!

Sometimes the Dark Orbit Bonus Box Bot will pick up cargo. Make sure you have the "Show cargo boxes which are not free" unchecked as stated before. If you do not you will LOSE honor points because the bot will steal other peoples' cargo.

The Dark Orbit Bonus Box Bot has a enemy detection system in it. If the threat meter goes up, your ship will be redirected to a portal or your company's base. You should purchase a cloaking device to hide your ship. This will save you from being destroyed most of the time. Please note, other ship's can still see you as a dot on the map, so this isn't a fool proof way to stop people from destroying your ship. You will be destroyed from time to time.

Sometimes you will lose connection. If this happens reload everything ( browser and bot ).

***Download Instructions***
-Click on one of the download links
-The download page will load
-Fill in your information
-The file will available for download once your information has been filled in


  1. it doesn' t work on my pc......

  2. comment avez vous programmé ce logiciel ? c++ ? vb ? delphi ?

    how did you set this software? c + +? vb? delphi?

    I am french but I speak english

  3. John - I'm not sure why it doesn't work on your pc... It works for me. Does it just not run at all?

    Maxime - This was coded in Autoit, works is sort of like vb.

  4. i want the link open source please, Is this possible?

  5. help. Im start the bot (MMO), and it appears this error: Only Object-type variables allowed in a "With" statement.
    What should I do?

  6. Maxime - Sorry, but I don't want to distribute the source code.

    Qwestus - I responded to your question in the MMO section of this blog.

  7. With what did you make this bot? If you made it with Scar or C++ can you send me the source code? Because id like to know how to make a bot and I keep on getting stuck in C++ and Scar.

  8. Tvirusx1 - This bot was made with Autoit, which is sort of like VB. Sorry, but I don't want to distribute the source code.

  9. Ok, does your bot use color search or something else?

  10. Tvirusx1 - Yes, the bot uses a color search.

  11. Holy cow! Thanks for telling us you did it with AutoIt! I just downloaded the package and it's perfect for use at my company to do software builds using a series of Windows programs with no command line equivalent (very tedious)! We're setting up a build machine and I want it to be as automated as possible.

  12. Can you tell me the color value of the pixel in the bonus box that you're searching for?

  13. Bonus box bot (vru) Bot clicking in the same ship just stays there.

  14. No response. Perhaps not wanting to let out that info?

    I'm getting a pretty good bot going but it has problems trying to pick up the boxes since it doesn't know what colors to look for. I can give it some idea but it's always trying to pick up stars or parts of a planet.

    How about a deal? I release all versions of my source code to you as I release them if you tell me what pixel(s) in what areas to search for. Deal?

  15. I've written a number of functions that could improve a Dark Orbit bot.

    GetShipLocation: Find the ship's location by looking at the gray lines in the minimap.

    SetShipLocation: Moves the ship to the specified location and waits until it gets there. It checks the ship location every half second. I used this function to get the second best time in the Navigator quest (best time was probably a prommed up Vengeance).

    GetShipDistance: Finds the straight line distance from the ship to any point.

    Also, the Firefox window can be anywhere on the screen, not just in the corner. And the script can be exited at any time by pressing Esc.

    Next project: Adding threat determination, movement to the portal, and jumping through and back to break a lock. I'm also actively trying out new color test schemes to get the right combination for the bonus box.

    In the future: Attacking Streuners!

  16. Forgot to mention, it also can tell if the minidisplay is active and presses "h" to enable or disable it.

  17. i did downlaod bunus bot it did not work

  18. how do bonus box work and how do i get it can you help me to get it and darkorbit hacktool v1.4
    send it to my e-mail

  19. when i wanna download bonus box bot, it redirects me on i press click here to download and in a new window showes up were sorry ... how do i download bonus box bot?

  20. HELLO I HAVE A PROBLEM IN THE DOWNLOAD, ENTER to download the file but I get permanently banned AND I AM NEVER IN THIS WEB SITE. CAN YOU HELP ME

  21. How do I download the file? It just opened pages after pages with no download!

  22. He removed the Bot, he isn't bothered to make any more updates or he quit working on it.

    Check out my new Bot I made it in Scar, it is fully Scriptable.

    It's called UDOB - Ultimate Dark Orbit Bot.
    It doesn't use your Cursor!


  23. Dark Orbit Bot

  24. HEy i don't know what to download to make it run the bot box so gimme the full instuction to do it thx f:)

  25. this is to old and is not working anymore, i recommand kbot

    acesta e un bot vechi si nu mai merge, recomand kbot

  26. im having a few issues it runs but doesn move the map and nothin is open also i can get the game the same size as in the picture
