Thursday, April 16, 2009

EIC Dark Orbit Bonus Box Bot Download

***You Must Have Mozilla Firefox 3.0 to operate correctly***

Make sure you download the bot that matches your company. You will need WinZip or WinRar to open this file. Read the instructions completely before operating.

Download Here


  1. i think this dont work it doesn't moves from 45/15, also don't take bonus boxes if you stay next to 1

  2. i cant download it cus wheni click on download and it taks me to another sitr and says o fill out detailes i do that but it still dond work could i get some help please

  3. how do bonus box work and how do i get it can you help me to get it and darkorbit hacktool v1.4
    send it to my e-mail

  4. how do i get it to work? i have opend it and stared it but my ship dont move what do i do?

  5. HELLO I HAVE A PROBLEM IN THE DOWNLOAD, ENTER to download the file but I get permanently banned AND I AM NEVER IN THIS WEB SITE. CAN YOU HELP ME

  6. this is to old and is not working anymore, i recommand kbot

    acesta e un bot vechi si nu mai merge, recomand kbot
